Ride Mindfully

When we speak from a place of inner harmony, we speak a language the horse understands.


With Whole Heart Horsemanship, we are expanding beyond mechanics, to learn a better way of being with horses. This work is a practice of being present and grounded, so that we can offer confidence and guidance to our horses when they need it. We develop relaxation and body awareness, so that we can allow our horses to move and work with natural ease. 


Made Simple

When we listen carefully, we understand the way our horses communicate, and softness becomes simple.

By practicing a softer way of being with horses, we are not only more successful in our horsemanship, but we are also inviting more joy and peace of mind into our relationships with horses, and into our lives. The journey of transformation can be challenging, but the trust that is offered from the heart of your horse is the greatest reward!

At WHH, we believe that horses are always offering us their best, and that it is our responsibility to try to offer them the best of ourselves. When we slow down and listen to what our horses have to say, we are able to have a relationship as partners, replacing demands with dialogue. This approach fosters compassion for our horses, and ourselves.